Advanced Topics in Interactive Media (SFX)
This site is intended to display planning and video progress only. The videos and artwork displayed below are works in progess for information purposes only. You may click on the storyboard images to view in a larger form. Old or unused elements have been placed in a new page for clarity and can be viewed using the button below
Almost: A Superhero Evaluation
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Finding the Book
Establishing Shot
Actors enter shot.
Move to the right of screen and talk as they walk.
From Establishing Shot to Medium Shot.
Actors stop. Reece finds a book and picks it up.
Sequence to last no more than 25 seconds. Cut to book intermission.
Medium Shot (Static)
Actor begins to control lighting. As this begins Rebekka leaves the shot.
Medium Shot (Static)
As actor controls lighting in his hand a bolt come down from the sky. Actor reacts by running away.
Sequence to last no more than 25 seconds. Cut to book intermission.
Medium Shot (Static)
Actor begins to control a small flame in his hand.
Medium Shot (Static)
As the actor controls the flame the background begins to smoulder and catch fire.
Cut to book intermission.
Medium Shot (Static)
Actor creates a ball of electricity.
Medium Shot (Static)
As the ball begins to form the lights in the background begin the flicker.
Cut to book intermission.
The Force
The Force
Medium Shot (Static)
Actor attempts to move the cup with no luck.
Medium Shot (Static)
As the actor begin to move away the cup moves across the table and falls with a smash (out of view)
Cut to book intermission.
Medium Shot (Static)
Actor is sat looking at the book while talking to himself.
Medium Shot (Static)
As the actor talks a clone appears in shot and they review the adventures.
Cut to closing credits
Video Timeline
A selection of software screenshots demonstrating the techniques used to achieve the final outcome.
Timeline - Premiere Pro
Timeline - After Effects
Adobe Premiere Pro
Snapshot of workflow for entire project
Adobe After Effects
Snapshot of workflow for Intermission Scenes
Creating Fire - After Effects
Creating Fire Timeline - After Effects
Adobe After Effects
Snapshot of fire creation using Trapcode Particles
Adobe After Effects
Timeline of Trapcode Particles
Tracking Points - After Effects
Timeline - After Effects
Adobe Premiere Pro
Snapshot of flame key points using motion tracking
Adobe After Effects
Timeline of flame key points using motion tracking
Tracking Points - After Effects
Timeline - After Effects
Adobe After Effects
Snapshot of flame key points using motion tracking
Adobe After Effects
Timeline of flame key points using motion tracking
Applying a Mask - After Effects
Mask Timeline - After Effects
Adobe After Effects
Snapshot of mask used to pull background layer into forground (allowing lights to flicker)
Adobe After Effects
Timeline of Mask application